Saturday, April 13, 2013

Learning Grasshopper

   After watching the grasshopper tutorials this week and getting a feel for the program interface, today I was successfully able to recreate 4 out of the 5 tutorials from the DesignReBuild website.  The 5th one I am planning to try tomorrow as a warm up before I create my own grasshopper file from scratch (not using a tutorial).  Thus far, I am very impressed with grasshopper as a program.  At work I tend to write code in VBA in excel quite often, so I am at least familiar with the idea of code writing.  Yet grasshopper put a very amazing twist into the entire process, giving the user a graphical-interface to use to essentially write code.  The syntax of a normal written code can be thought of as the components put into grasshopper and the "connection tubes" is like the normal flow of a program.  It is a very intriguing idea for a program and I am curious if any other applications for code writing/compiling will adopt this technique.  For example, with the large demand of smart phone apps and a larger number of app ideas from the users, I am surprised that I haven't heard of this type of interface for writing a smart phone app yet.
    Here are some images from my experimenting with grasshopper today.  I have yet to figure out how to implant the program files into my blog but maybe I will be able to determine it tomorrow.

Solar Shade

Point Distance

Two Attractor Points


Parametric Truss

1 comment:

  1. The Attractor component is something that is very interesting. I might try that with my surface tonight. It sort of plays with the idea I'm exploring. Pretty cool stuff Greg.
